Oktoberfest in Dublin
Hi there! If you see people walking down O’Connell Street in Dirndl and Lederhosen, you think the world turned upside down. But no, it...
All about the Chinese behavior
Hi everyone, As I wrote in one of my previous posts, I currently live with a Chinese Host family. There I learned some things about the...
Boat trip around Ireland's Eye
Hi there, Once again I had a great time and because I experienced so much in the last few days my blog post is a bit later than normally....
A normal week? - no way!
Hi everyone, It’s time for another blogpost :) I thought that I’m going to tell you something about a normal week for me in Dublin. But...
Surprise, surprise!
What an awesome weekend I had! My cousin came spontaneously with her boyfriend and two other friends for a weekend to Dublin. On...
A mini bridge attracts many tourists
Hi and welcome to my second post :) The last weekend on Saturday, I was with a tour bus and my new German friend in Northern Ireland....
Hotelerfahrung in Dublin
Anfang August hat Rahel ihr Praktikum in Dublin gestartet und lernt die Welt der Hotellerie kennen. Wir wünschen dir viel Spass und...
All beginnings are difficult
All beginnings are difficult… My plane took off at 16.05 in Geneva and brought me to my new adventure. I was pretty nervous but I...
Michi in Bournemouth
Michi absolviert sein Praktikum seit Ende Juni in Bournemouth. Gerne teilen wir mit euch einige Impressionen aus seinem Alltag in England.
Céline in Dublin
Die achtzehnjährige Céline wird ab August ihre Austauscherfahrungen in Dublin, Irland teilen. Sie hat beim Spital Frutigen eine KV...