Time passes too fast..
Unbelievable how fast time passes! It's been almost ten months since I started my adventure at Dublin Airport. Ten months, in which I was...
Irischer Dialekt und Hilfsbereitschaft
Als ich am Tag meiner Abreise die Augen öffnete, wusste ich, dass wenn ich aufstehe, mich ein ganz neuer Lebensabschnitt erwartet. Sieben...
Are you from Brazil?
My first week in Ireland is over. Today was a very lazy sunday. Slept until lunchtime and then just watched some movies and skyped with...
St. Patrick's Day in Dublin
Meine Erlebnisse im März: Praktikum: Seit einigen Wochen bin ich nun an der Rezeption einer Sprachschule in Dublin tätig. An meinem im...
Nicole's Start in Dublin
Januar: Am 30. Dezember 2016 bin ich nach Dublin geflogen und somit begann mein Abenteuer. Meine Host Mother hat mich herzlich empfangen...
Meine 6 Monate in Mullingar
Ich habe 6 Monate in einem Reisebüro, welches verschiedene Reisen (und Reisearten) in ganz Europa anbietet, gearbeitet. Als ich an meinem...
The world of the wizards
Hi there, What would England be without the story of Harry Potter? Right... Just a normal country. Harry Potter is one thing that I...
My last few weeks - Vanja
Hello everyone, First of all I need to apologise that I didn’t write anything in the last month. It was really busy and I had some visits...
Thank you! Merci! 谢谢! Ačiū! Dank u wel!
Hi gach duine, Although I’ll stay here in Ireland until the end of May I’ll stop blogging because I slowly got used to my daily life...
Interpreting job in the Garda Station
Hi everyone, On Sunday, I had a viewing with Guoda for a room to rent in Dublin 9. Suddenly I got a call from our agency for an...