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Thank you! Merci! 谢谢! Ačiū! Dank u wel!

Hi gach duine, Although I’ll stay here in Ireland until the end of May I’ll stop blogging because I slowly got used to my daily life here in Dublin. So, now it’s time to say “Goodbye”. I really enjoyed writing weekly about my adventures in the ever-green island.

I’m glad for the numerous feedbacks I got for my posts. I appreciated this support a lot and it was very important for the beginning. Someone once told me, that the first three months are the most difficult and at that time I thought that it was just a saying. But I learned that it wasn’t…

Building “a new life” was not always easy and of course there were times where I wished I could be back in my lovely Swiss mountains. But especially through those times I learned a lot. And even if I came here alone, I was never lonely. I met a lot of lovely people who I’ll never forget and at this point I would like to say thank you. Thank you to…

...Sue, for all your help before and during my internship, for your quick turnaround to my never-ending emails and for making all of this possilbe. Dankä!

...Lingling, Granny and your husband and Ashley, Roary and Kevin for the wonderful hospitality and the delicious meals and for learning me some Chinese. I love staying with you. 谢谢!

...the translation company, for taking me as an intern, reaching me about the Irish behaviours and being patient with me in every situation. Go raibh maith agat! (I would like to thank in every language, but as there are representatives from ten countries I'll only say it in Irish =)), for giving me an opportunity to write my blogs on your website, for the support and frot the possibility to share "my stories" with everyone. Herzlichen Dank!

... David, for your patience with my leap card issues and for the funny social evenings. Thanks a lot!

…Franzi, for helping me not to get lost in the city, being there for me when I couldn’t communicate in the beginning and for becoming a wonderful friend, Vielen lieben Dank!

...Guoda, for being the nicest, the most amazing, wonderful, beautiful, talented, supportive, encouraging, coolest, smartest Lithuanian girl I could imagine :P Ačiū!

…my family and friends, for supporting me and always having my back, Merci and Dank u wel!

…and last but not least I would like to thank YOU! For attending my adventures.

Thanks you soooo much!

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