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Logistiker Jan in der Sprachschule

The thrid week is over, and I have already recieved a lot of new experiences. When I arrived at the airport from Dublin, I was very excited and happy to finally start my adventure. I took a taxi and drove to my new home to Dundrum. My hostfamily greeted me kindly and showed me my room. Then I went on a small sightseen tour through the village. Dundrum is a beautiful quiet place with the largest shopping centre of Europe. Then I slept the rest of the day in my new bed. The next day I went on the way to visit Dublin. I hiked several hours through dublin and I was looking for the way to my school. The school was easier to find than I first thought. After that I went relieved at home and I was looking forward to my first day of school. I was very pleased with my school, also I had no German speaking classmates. So I can improve my English faster. Through the socialprogrammes of the school I quickly got to know new peoples. We went together to Phoenix Park and fed the deers with carrots. After one week I traveled in the north of Ireland. I visited there Giants Causeway and Belfast. It was an impressive day and the weather changed every 5 minutes from sun to rain. I am lookin forward of more experiences like this.

Jan wird nach den ersten Wochen in der Sprachschule ein Praktikum in seinem Lehrberuf als Logistiker absolvieren.

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