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My time in Ireland

It will be soon 6 months that I am living and working here. I had taken this opportunity to improve my English and also increase my work experience. To be committed in an Irish company make me discover an another viewpoint of the work. I am glad to have given my contribution in this company and help with various administrative tasks.

I appreciated having contact with customers, it's a good way to improve my English and exercise it. That was a great experience, where I had discovered new landscape, another culture, friendly people, and I have also met a lot of people from around the world.

Working and living in this new environment gave me an open mind. Staying here was not always easy, sometimes I missed my friends and my family but I also met incredible people there and the experience and the improvements that it gave me were worth it. I am still very happy to return to Switzerland.

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Dieses Projekt wird von Movetia finanziell unterstützt. Movetia fördert Austausch, Mobilität und Kooperation in der Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie in der Jugendarbeit – in der Schweiz, in Europa und weltweit.

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